Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hey all!
Well we're moved in (mostly) the house is great! i just wish it was warmer so we could go outside more. i don't have any pics this time but i just wanted to tell you all that we didn't die or anything :p by the way we don't have internet at our house yet (i'm at the library) so if i don't e-mail you back right away really i'm not ignoring you :) i'll hopfully get some amazing pics soon to show you all. howard county is so much more picturesque (is that how you spell it? oh well) then montgomery county. well i need to go but i miss you all and i'll hopefully see you soon! Merry Christmas!

With love
~ Clara

Friday, November 28, 2008


Thanksgiving was great, we had my nana and grandpa over and uncle patrick came and the kelleys came over later (i didn't get pics with them, but we were just sitting around talking anyway) . after 'lunch' we all went to see our new house (i accually got to see it!) it was sooo nice and i can't wait to move in.

being together
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley (its hard to believe its been two months)

we ate all afternoon and then had dessert for dinner
of course i had to get some pics of the kids being crazy (they had way to much sugar)
Cooking :)
Nana making her stuffing
Nana and Grandpa. i love them
giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
~ Ephesians 5:20

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Please be praying for my fam over the next few weeks. Kate, Ryan, and my mom and dad are going out to Indiana this weekend, then we're having thanksgiving at our house, then we're moving. :) it'll be fun, but... really crazy

We're moving out to Howard County (yes still close by) i haven't seen the house yet but from what i've heard it's sounds amazing. it's a house on a hill with a long driveway and a big porch. it's sitting on a 100 acre landscaping farm, and has these lakes behind the house (where apparently eagles fish wow) and then it backs up to woods. its very scenic so i will be in heaven. i was a little hesitant because the last house my parents said was 'ok' (i thought) was to small. but this one is a good size (with enough rooms so that i can have my own) and a finished basment, so we can keep Kate and Ryan (haha). yea! i'm excited :)

View from the window. I love it when it rains! its so gorgeousi really liked these two

Fall!!! so many great colors
My mom and i drove out to... someplace 20 or 30 minutes from here with my gradpa to get these apples, we had fun :)
I guess this'll be the last time i'll do more backyard pics here we're moving after thanksgiving and i'll have more places to take pictures of.
ah yes more backyard pictures (but their just so cute!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

These are some of my sr. pics but which ones should i use???

haha not this one i just like it. Kate was like go out there and do something.
bottoms up! i really like that lake :)
For you have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling. I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. ~ Psalm 116:8-9
I was thinking about this the other day. it says i will walk before the Lord. This implies we should live remembering the Lord is watching. each and every day we walk before the Lord. sometimes this is so easy to forget.

Monday, November 10, 2008

We went down to a lake in Germantown today to do my Sr. pics and Kate asked me to take some for her for Christmas.

Loved these! (It was Kates idea but i take credit for this pic :p )
Catch me!
Sometimes they act like two little kids (or maybe most of the time haha)

yay heres a good one
"Here lean out over the lake and i'll hold you"
I really like the dock in the background

I took these yesterday, i had to get one leaf pile photoshoot in. In the middle of this i was called away because the wedding cake i was doing which by the way has given me nothing but trouble (someone put it in the oven to keep out of the way) the top layer got double baked (Ellie didn't know it was in the oven and she turned it on) so it turned out ok but i had to fix it. sigh... and i finally got it off my hands yesterday.
He said he had a lot more hair
this is one of my favs
Yay!!! Fall = jumping into leaf piles
I don't know why but he really wanted to do this
So cute! love the bear feet :p
I love his face in this one!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Isaiah 45:7, 21

I form light and create darkness, i make well-being and create calamity, i am the Lord, who does all these things. Declare and present your case; let them take counsel together! Who told this long ago? Who declared it of old? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no other god besides me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none besides me. ~ Isaiah 45:7, 21

The Lord gives and takes away. The Lord allows evil to happen for our good.
I am so tempted to complain about the outcome of the election, but i know this is what the Lords will is and what will ultimatly be best for this country.

Lord, help me to never forget this and to remember to pray for the country. Please let this be a means of bringing people to you! I know eventually people will forget, they'll forget the war (if they already haven't) they'll forget all the bad things that Obama will do while he's in office. We have already forgotten what these kinds of people can do, because this kind of thing has happened before. But right now Lord, while it is happening help people to see the flaws in their thinking. Father i also pray that you would help us, your children, and give us strength. Lord we might have rights taken away from us, we might be persecuted, but you use these things to bring people closer to you. And how sweet that will be Lord, when we draw closer to you in times of trial and need. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An old clock, flowers, and candle light (among other random things)

I took some props up in my room, turned off all the lights (except one spotlight and i sometimes used the light from the window) and this is what i came up with :)

I really like the focal B+W

Nevertheless i am continually with you, you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel and afterword receive me to glory. Whom have i in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth i desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail me but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you shall perish, and you cut off everyone who is unfaithful to you. But as for me it is good to be near God. I have made the Lord God my refuge, that i may tell of your works. ~ Psalm 73:23-28
It's amazing to think that God guides us on the right path and then recieves us to glory for following him.
I love red roses!
Red shoes :)
Wish this could be better but i don't really have a wall to cast the shadow on.

I thought this looked really cool

La Vie En Rose
Elegance. (I was thinking about doing all these pics in black and white but i just loved all these colors)

Even thought photography is one of my 'classes' its always a break for me, and i love thinking up new things to do and being creative.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Artistry outside

These are pics from my first official "photoshoot"

I was trying to get some pics of birds before they all left for the winter, but saw this little guy instead and was happy to pose for me for awhile.
Sap drops (easier to take pics of the water drops :)

Burst of fall color

The lonely basketball

Winding roads


These 2 were some of my favorites. I photographed this one bee for probably 15 minutes and took about 100 pics

I really love the light on the wings

I couldn't resist :) i just think is so cute
Oh God, you are my God, earnestly i seek you. My soul thirsts for you, my flesh faints for you as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So i have look upon you in the santuary beholding you power and glory. Becasue your steadfast love is better than life my lips will praise you. So i will bless you as long as i live, in your name will i life up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips, as i remember you upon my bed and meditate on you in the watches of the night. For you have been my help and in the shadow of your wings will i sing for joy. My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me.
~ Psalm 63:1-8