Friday, November 28, 2008


Thanksgiving was great, we had my nana and grandpa over and uncle patrick came and the kelleys came over later (i didn't get pics with them, but we were just sitting around talking anyway) . after 'lunch' we all went to see our new house (i accually got to see it!) it was sooo nice and i can't wait to move in.

being together
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley (its hard to believe its been two months)

we ate all afternoon and then had dessert for dinner
of course i had to get some pics of the kids being crazy (they had way to much sugar)
Cooking :)
Nana making her stuffing
Nana and Grandpa. i love them
giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
~ Ephesians 5:20

1 comment:

botiquinkat said...

Oh my goodness you guys are moving?! wow. I still remember going to your birthday parties wen we were little :) How have you been?

-Katie S.